How to Use Birth Affirmations

A Powerful Mental Tool During Labor & Birth

Birth Affirmation Card that reads Breath in strength, breath out fear

Birth Affirmation Card

You are most likely familiar with positive affirmations, or more specifically, birth affirmations. A phrase or sentence that can inspire, encourage, embolden or calm you. Why are these such a popular tool to use during labor and birth? Is there science behind it? And how do you best use these affirmations for a more positive and empowering birth experience? Let’s dive in!

P.S. We also give you 10 birth affirmation examples at the end. 🙂

Why are birth affirmations so popular?

In the Mental Push Plan program, we define birth affirmation as a statement used during labor to maintain and restore your confidence in yourself and your body and guide your mind toward a state of empowerment using positive thinking. 

We categorize birth affirmations as a ‘self-talk tool’. When you think about it, we all talk to ourselves almost all day, every day. Sometimes it may be consciously (“Where did I put my keys?!”) or subconsciously (“I hope this email is well received.”). Sometimes it may be kindly (“I love how this new dress looks on me!”) or not-so-kindly (“Why did I say that stupid thing during the meeting. Ugh.”). How we speak to ourselves can affect our emotions, demeanor, even how we hold ourselves physically. 

When we speak to ourselves in a positive and encouraging way, our body responds accordingly. You bet that applies to the birth setting! When our thoughts become negative such as, “I am so tired” or “I can’t do this anymore”, our bodies will feel more tired and less capable of getting through the next contraction. Whereas if we use phrases like, “I am strong and capable. I got this!” or “I was made for this.”, your body will respond with feelings of strength and empowerment. 

This positive self-talk has caused many moms/parents-to-be to have a more positive birth experience, and it’s why you can find examples and printouts of birth affirmations in just about every corner of the internet. Let’s take a look at the science behind it. 

The Science Behind Birth Affirmations

Not only is there science to support the use of affirmations, they've created a whole theory around it! Self-affirmation theory is defined as “the concept that people are motivated to maintain views of themselves as well adapted, moral, competent, stable, and able to control important outcomes.” (APA Dictionary). Hmmmm, say what? As humans, we want to believe we are strong and capable of handling any stress that comes our way. When we affirm this with, you guessed it, positive affirmations, this activates the rewards center of our brain. Research shows this rewards circuit decreases pain and helps you maintain balance when you’re stressed. (doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv136)

Decreased pain and less stress? Ok, that sounds helpful during labor! Let’s take a look at how you can apply this concept to your birth.

List of Birth Affirmations such as trust your body, you are resilient, you can do this.

Birth affirmations listed as a tool on a Push Circle member’s Mental Push Plan.


How to Use Affirmations for your Birth

There is one thing I forgot to mention in the science part of this blog post. Affirmations work when they are repeated with regularity ( This is why articles suggest posting your affirmations where you will see them every day. Mohammed Ali said, “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”

As we always say at Mental Push Plan - practice, practice, practice! The more you see and say your affirmation(s), the easier it will be to recall them when all the things are happening during labor. 

We recommend finding 1 or 2 or even a handful of birth affirmations that resonate with you. They could apply generally to birth, or you could choose a specific affirmation for when you are feeling particularly fearful, anxious or overwhelmed by pain. 

Then, you need to write them down. Save them as the wallpaper on your phone. Write them in lipstick on your mirror (how Carrie Bradshaw of you!). Or put a post-it note on your computer. Whenever you see your affirmation(s), say it to yourself out loud or silently. Imagine yourself in your birth space as you say them. Picture what it will feel like to have these words of encouragement while you labor.

When your birth day comes, have your affirmations handy. Bring your post-it with you, have your Mental Push Plan written out with your affirmations or print them on pretty cards (you can purchase the Mental Push Plan affirmation card deck here). Hang your affirmations on the wall of your birth suite or equip your partner to say them to you. Whatever feels the most powerful for you in that moment. 

10 Birth Affirmation Examples You Can Use Right Now

To get you started on your journey to a positive, productive and powerful mindset for birth, here are 10 birth affirmation examples: 

Deck of colorful birth affirmation cards by Mental Push Plan

Mental Push Plan Birth Affirmation Card Deck

  1. I am confident, safe & loved.

  2. I was made for this.

  3. Breath in strength, breath out fear.

  4. I am nervous AND strong - both can be true.

  5. I'm going to meet my baby.

  6. This is transformational pain.

  7. I am powerful.

  8. I am strong & capable-I got this!

  9. I am here, I am doing this.

  10. Each surge gets me closer to meeting my baby.

If you found these helpful, you can purchase these affirmations on a beautifully designed card deck to either print on your own or have a printed set sent to you. We even added 10 more affirmations, for a total of 20 cards! Check them out here

You have the inner strength to take on whatever birth throws your way. Birth affirmations give you the confidence to tap into this strength for a positive and empowered birth experience!

Learn more mental tools and ways to have a positive, productive and powerful mindset for your birth with the Mental Push Plan digital workbook.

Carolyn & Lauren

Here to help wherever you’re at in your birthing journey.

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